Diamond Hollow


Shoot, upgrade, conquer enemies, attempt achievements, collect gems, all in an attempt to escape an endless cave.

Diamond Hollow was developed as an entry in Ludum Dare 20, a competition where you have 48 hours to create a game from scratch.
I’ve fixed some bugs and made minor adjustments for the Kongregate version (such as replacing the music, implementing kong API, etc), and I hope you enjoy it. I’d love to make a sequel without a 48 hour time constraint, so if you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments!

Special thanks to Pahndah for helping play test.

A/D or Left/Right to move, W, Up, or Space to jump
Click to shoot, F to toggle autofire
E/Q or Down/S to dash (once acquired)
Escape to pause or unpause (it only looks like the game over screen)
NOTE: Click the music note on the title screen to MUTE

Publisher: Armor Games
Developer: arkeus
Language: en
Year: 2011