

It is the variation of a famous old game “Digger”.

A player needs to operate a small tractor - digger, dig tunnels under the ground and look for hidden treasures.
A player can find diamonds or bags of money. If a player manages to undermine a tunnel under such a bag, it will fall down and the coins will be visible. All these objects give points.

Several monsters running through already dug trenches will impede digger’s work. Furthermore, after a player gets certain number of points a super monster able to move through all barriers appears in the game, however the super monster moves slowly.

A player can fight against regular monsters with help of missiles.
In addition there are also underground box-surprises. These boxes can hide another "life", new missiles, temporary ability to freeze enemies or temporary "immortality”.

When a player finds all hidden treasures of the level, a portal of transition to the next level opens for a player.

Control over the game is with help of a keyboard. Movement and rotation are with help of the arrow keys. For shooting a player needs to press "space".

Publisher: BionicWebLab.com
Language: en
Year: 2003