Dinosaurs Eat Fruit


EN: Click or drag fruit icon with the mouse to swap two adjacent fruit, if more than 3 of the same fruit horizontally or vertically, then eliminate these fruit and to feed these fruits to the dinosaur, so as to collect the score. (Hint: use more skills to eliminate anesthesia projectile, can slow the chase of dinosaurs.)

ZH: 为了加强恐龙的运动跟食欲,管理员作出了疯狂的举动,开着水果货车让恐龙追赶... 用鼠标点击或拖动水果图标将两个相邻的水果互换若横排或竖排有3个以上相同的水果就可以消去水果喂食给恐龙获得分数多运用技能跟消除麻醉弹可减缓恐龙的追击!!! 看谁能成为喂龙之王。