Doom Scene Creator


Create your own DOOM scene

Author Comments:

Edit: Thanks for your reviews! It lived!
---Sad to say.. there will be no Version 2, Computer fried up and I lost everything. I'm sorry to everyone that really enjoyed this.. but If I ever feel up to it.. I'll start a completely new one--
Well, this is my very first flash. I know there are a few things I still wanted to work on like "scene changing" and alot more sprites.... but I wanted to send it a little earlier then planned. It took alot of time out of me, and if the reviews are good enough ill work on a 2nd better version. Thanks for your reviews!
Credits: for supplying sprites
ParagonX9 for great music
Id Software for making the Doom series possible

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: MustEnjoyPie
Language: en
Year: 2006