Dots: Revamped! Expansion


Until Ruffle supports AS3, you can play the game FREE on Steam

Gobble up Blue Dots to fill your Rainbow Meter, then destroy your enemies with Rainbow Power!

The original game Dots was released as a free browser game in 2008, gaining over 6 millions plays on NotDoppler alone. With many more plays around the web, Dots was a huge success. A sequel Dots: Revamped! was successfully released in 2015, also as a free browser game.
Dots: Revamped! Expansion takes the 2015 release and gives it an overhaul of polish, balancing and content, adding more than triple the play time.

Authors Note
Excited to finally release as a browser game!
Many many hours went into this expanded version of Dots: Revamped!, I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks of the game :)

Starblinky - Programming & Design
Jimp - Art
Waterflame - Music

Game Website:
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Publisher: NotDoppler
Developer: starblinky
Tag: Arcade, Dodge
Language: en
Year: 2020