Dragon Games Harelow

Forest Pixies Harelow : Discover a whole new world at Ever After High with the Forest Pixies. The fairytale students at Ever After High find adventure in the Enchanted Forest where they meet the cute-sized Forest Pixies. These mystical protectors of the forest creatures are magical and have natural charm. Deerla, the Deer Forest Pixie, looks fairy enchanting in a colorful outfit with deer-inspired accessories, like an antler hairpiece for her long white locks. You will love telling new epic tales of their own with these magical creatures! Exclusive Games
* Ever After High * Dragon Games * Harelow Dress Up * Forest Pixies * Bunny * Fashion * Princess * Fairytale * Creature
You are playing Forest Pixies Harelow . Do not forget to play one of the other great Ever After High games at www.StarSue.Net
* DC Hero Girls * Star Darlings * La Dee Da * Once Upon A Zombie * Miraculous Ladybug * Shopkins Shoppies * LoliRock * Disney Descendants