Dress-up Katara!


I have tried to upload this three times, and it wont work, because of the stinkin JPG Icon. Holy snap.

Anyway, YAY! A Katara Dress Up thing, just to prove how big of a dork I am! This was super fun to do though, and I'll definatly be making more in the future. In fact, i even have one in the works right now....

But I'm not gonna tell yoou so nya.

BTW. If I get any messages from people kvetching about how her shoe is the wrong shade of oxblood or bitching that they can't take off her underwear, Im gonna stick my wacom tablet pen up your nose.

EDIT 2-21-08
I added a couple more things on here, just the cloak from the fire days festival and the mask she had (the deserter) and her parka from the northern water tribe (siege of the north pt I). I'll be updating as the series goes on/as I notice things that I missed, so she'll have a lovely wardrobe.