ROFLZ! Arrrrghhhh, ok here! :rofl:
Anyways, have fun dressing up L from Death Note. :P Aside from his own clothing, he has apparently stolen clothes and items from Misa, Mello, some dude, the Cat in the Hat, a rabbit, and a local grocery store that sells pocky. xD
If you can't understand what the stuff in the face section is: the black squiggle is a moustache, the pink squiggles are blush, the circles are sunglasses and that other thing is a piece of pocky that dangles in his mouth.
There are 4 items in each section, except for the 'other' category, which has like 3 items and then 3 word bubbles. If you don't like the layering, sorry about that. I tried to arrange it in a logical way, but of course you don't always try to be logical with these things. xD If you find anything that doesn't work, please feel free to say so. I probably won't change it unless it's a big thing (i.e. the wings layering over his face or like part of the pants magically go missing when you put them on) but I'd like to know if something goes wrong anyways. If some stuff is hard to fit on... sorry about that. ^^;
Poor L gets so much abuse here! :lmao:
Hahaha, these are so fun to make. I'm probably gonna do another one. :P
Done with Flash MX 2004
EDIT: I think you hafta click download for this to work... sorry, DA's so whack with Flash stuff now. >_<
EDITEDIT: ... I have no idea how to make this work. *Lost* @____@