Dual Mouse Eyecandy


An attractive cursor game with some neat effects and unique gameplay elements.

Author Comments:

A little project experimenting with some new gameplay elements and graphic effects. Originally a simple engine I was experimenting with for a completely different game, I created Dual Mouse Arcade. This version Eye Candy features completely rewritten codes, and a new graphics update thanks to my new collaborator.
-Left Click: Faze through obstacles
-Space: Uses half the purple bar to freeze time for 15 seconds.
-Shift: Uses all of the purple bar to shift the difficulty down one level.
-The game starts out easy, very easy, but you get almost no points.
-After an interval, the game will amp up the difficulty. Use your SHIFT ability to change to an easier difficulty to avoid losing all your lives.
Art: Joe Aqius

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: arcansi
Tag: Arcade
Language: en
Year: 2008