Emerald Moon Chapter 2: The Bounty, the Prey, and the Hunter

For those of you who want to refresh your memory/haven't read chapter one yet: https://pacthesis.deviantart.com/art/Emerald-Moon-Chapter-1-115053560
Not inking it cause I don't have time/don't feel like it.
Don't know when chapter 3 will be done.
Sorry for very, very bad preview and quality.
I literally drew this thing about half a year ago. The last 4 pages were just drawn recently cause when I was digging through the junk in my PC the other day, I came across this old manga and thought: Oh, yeah... I was so close to finishing that chapter but then I gave up on it to go work on that sim date. :|
No, I don't think every chapter of this story is going to end with crying men. Just the first and second... maybe.
EDIT: Oh my gah, I just took a peek at chapter one and realized that Yuji's glasses were round and I made them rectangular in this chapter! Hm, oh well. I prefer them rectangular anyways I suppose...