Escaflowne Dressup: Hitomi


Thought i'd clean my hard drive of some old games and such. This file is pretty old. I think it was finished back in 2008 and was originally done as a commissioned piece. I tried to get all her outfits from the movie and series in there. Might have missed a few though.

The Vision of Escaflowne will always be my top anime series. I remember watching it back when i was 12 every Saturday on my crappy 5 inch black and white tv. The show was always blurry due to reception issues but i loved it. I was mad when it got canceled midway though.

This was my first try at drawing all the game pieces in Photoshop but it makes the filesize pretty big so i don't think i'll be doing anymore games like that in the future. This game crashed my Flash a few times so i didn't add all the things i originally wanted.

Developer: KingV
Language: en
Year: 2008