Everbound: Quest for Finality

Everbound: Quest For Finality is an RPG-like satire of the Final Fantasy series.
Author Comments:
Before there was Square Enix, there was Squ. Since the humble beginnings of Squ, Final Fantasy games have been released as regularly as Windows XP patches. The first was an instant hit, but upon the release of the second, mass confusion erupted. People didn't understand how a game using a word so ultimate as 'final' could have a sequel. Nevertheless, they continued to buy each game as they were released.
Now, determined to stop the production line of future releases, and free the overworked game sprites, are three young heroes from an already planned for 2008, Final Fantasy XXVII. Realizing they lack the power to take on a major corporation, they approach the legendary Union Master to request a union
formation. He informs them that they must first be proven worthy by collecting the three SquWoo stones from various random monsters. They set out on their journey...