Failed Game Attempt
So I tried to make a game for myself last year after finding a flash game engine called "Edward"
Had some music issues (which is why there isn't music inside the levels) and I got too lazy to look into it any further![;P]( "Wink/Razz") So anyway, here it is in it's broken, unfinished form, just to get an idea of what I was trying for...
Walk with the arrow keys
Jump with Space
Talk with x (make sure to talk to everyone![:)]( ":) (Smile)") )
The platform engine was made by Ladyflash, you can check it out over here:
the engine works really well, it's all pretty straight forward and easy enough to place some art over the top of existing files and what not. Try it out if you're interested in making a platformer (best if you have a good knowledge in Flash)