
Try resizing the window for better visibility.
Originally posted here https://www.furaffinity.net/view/3483365/ and here https://www.deviantart.com/captaingerbear/art/It-s-about-to-Explode-155558163
**** UPDATED MARCH 09 2010 ****
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for Ferocity. I've been working on this sucker for a few weeks, and I'm ready to share it at long last.
Due to the nature of the beast, I can't post it directly on FA, so here's a link to where you can play FEROCITY. Please feel free to spread the link around any and everywhere.
Set up team battles and watch the blood flow.
Here's a little FAQ, even though I haven't been asked anything yet.
Q-What's wrong? Why can't I control my character?
A-You don't. Think of it like watching wrestling on TV.
Q-I see 'undefined' in some places! It's broken!
A-That probably means you have a slow or otherwise choked up internet connection. It may happen once with each character. Once your browser has a chance to cache the character, you'll find that issue goes away.
Q-Will you tell me how you did this?
A-I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.
Q-OMG my character will be so perfect for this game, can I be in it?
A-Maybe. There is no limit to the number of characters that can be in Ferocity.
This means if your character is Sonic the Hedgehog with a different color, or Bowser with a different hairdo, it's a no go.
You need a waist-up portrait of the character with the background neatly cut away. This means the background should be TRANSPARENT. 200 x 200 png. If you ask me about this I WILL IGNORE YOU, that's what the FAQ is for.
I'm not putting a sloppy drawing in the game. Make sure it's clean.
I'm not going to draw your character for you.
Nothing dirty. One character has a silhouette of a penis, that's as far as it goes. I'm not putting a silhouette of an erection, or a drawing of a character that's obviously cropped out of something sexual.
If you think you have a picture that meets all these criteria, POST IT ON FA, and then put a link to it in reply to this submission. If it fits, I will get the rest of the needed information from you at that time.
I will not make your character more powerful than the others at this time. Everyone has a set number of points to spend on their attacks.
Please post any other questions in response to this submission, I will do my best to answer.