
*I don't know if you've ever coded a game before...from scratch...without referance.
But it takes a long **long** time.
I have infinitly more respect for programmers of the old 2D console games.*
Well howdy ")
I've been wanting to create a flashgame for a while now. My opportunity came when for my digital image class we were told to do a flash animation.
\*Yoink! Kraden puts his hand up\* Kraden: Can I do a game?
Lecturer: .................If you like.
Kraden: WOO! (Yes....I did say 'Woo')
So here's the first part. Movements and enviroment. I tell you though, getting everything working smoothely is an absolute bitch sometimes. Numbers are different when you code to when you look at them normaly too! GAH! (like x [horizontal] position)
But after 5-8 hours of furious coding (I don't know the exact time it was 3am when I finished :tired (Smile)") I'm finially happy with a base engline to put a fight game into.
Oh and when I'm done the \*.fla file, \*.swf file, and a document of the coding and construction process will be put up too, so if anyone else wants to make a game. YOU CAN! 
*Features: (I.e what the code does)
Idle stance
Left movement
Right Movement
Level scrolling triggered by edge collision
Scrolling canceled when end of level map reached
Scrolling canceled when both players on edges
Realistic positioning of opponent while scrolling
Collision with other player possible
Direction change depending upon opponent possision
Jumping - Gravity and fall curve
Jumping over opponent allowed
Jump animation constant during air movement
Attacking (Ctr - punch, shift - damage or hits yet)
I would have ha it so you could attack and jump across at the same time, but that leveled the rest of the code like a nuclear bomb so some tweaking will be needed before it can do that smothely.
Future plans:
2 player ability (single keyboard)
Hit animations
Large damage = fall \ throw
'Super mode' (damage charges bar allowing transformation & special moves)
Special moves
Special animations
Character change
So far there are 9 frames for each character (idle, walk, jump, blick, hit1, hit2, att1, att2, transform).
That will amke more sense in the next installment.
If you'd like to see the code I can arrange that too. Might be a good learning curve if you've never coded before, or if you have could be an interesting read for about 30 second.
See ya guys!
Kraden out
\ *Note: Blue will go 1\2 transparent when he hits the right wall. It's just some leftover checking code sorry *