Firework Avoidance II


Firework Avoidance 1 failed for several reasons. So I put in some extra work and pumped out a sequel, creatively named Firework Avoidance 2. A bird's been caught in a fireworks display, and it's your job to get him out of it. Use the mouse to move, and avoid the sparks from the fireworks. There are three songs. See how long you can last!

Developer website: http://www.pieguyarcade.c om
Special thanks to the music artists who made this possible.

And I swear, if ANYONE points out that a number times 0 equals 0, I will smack you in the face ^^

EDIT - The glitch where you could sit in a corner and win has been fixed. A little bit too late, yes, but oh well.

EDIT 2 - I guess there should be a seizure warning, there are some flashing lights, but they shouldn't disturb very many people.

Thanks, and have fun!