First Love


(Original Japanese)
クリスマスの教会が舞台の甘いストーリーになっています。約束の日に、彼女を待ちつつ、思い出の絵を探してください。 ※アイテムの詳細を見るにはアイコンをダブルクリックしてください。

(English Translation by Microsoft Edge)
It is a collaboration work with BIANCO-BIANCO.
The Church of Christmas is the sweet story of the stage. On the day of the appointment, look for a picture of memories while waiting for her. * Double-click the icon to see the details of the item.
Please note that christianity is the theme, but it does not faithfully reproduce the christian way of life.
In addition, the star of David appears in the game, but not as a symbol of Judaism, but because there was a part that linked with the story of "the feelings of men and women are mixed" rather than the meaning of "conflicting things" that this mark has, I used it.

Publisher: Robamimi
Developer: Robamimi, BIANCO-BIANCO
Language: en, ja
Year: 2009