Fluff Fluff Away


October 2011 edit: This second version includes:
- A skip button: hurray :dance:!!!
- Clarifications to the first version and better instructions for part 2 as a lot of people had trouble with it
Thanks everybody for the feedbacks! I really appreciate it :hug:

"Emily is getting ready to cook some pancakes. There are three fun steps to make them. You can play it multiple times because you make a different type of pancake each time! Go ahead and try it out! "

Alternate link: [link]
Exclusive sponsorship granted to GirlGaming.com

Step 1: Drag the ingredients into the bowl before time runs out
Step 2: To ladle the batter into the pan, click the ladle right when the green bar passes the marker. Do the same and click the frying pan to flip the pancake. Finally, click the frying pan to remove the pancake from the pan
Step 3: Click on the toppings to add them to your pancakes


I wanted to try a cooking game so badly :love:!
And I finally did it :dance:
Actually, I started to develop this game one year ago. Then I got very busy with my studies and work, and I had to put it aside for a while (I developped the HimeGal Dress Up game meanwhile)
Anyway, now that the flash engine is done, I will probably do more cooking games in the future... and with endless gaming I hope!!


My dear friend Dentelle127 [link] for the music (she composed it especially for the game, please visit her website!!)
:iconevil-gaara-kun: for suggesting the name
:iconreami:'s cat is tapping at the window

Publisher: GirlGaming.com
Developer: Koruldia
Language: en
Year: 2009