Forbidden Fruit

The game is a little slow on deviantArt. For best quality, please download and save ^_^
Here's the first in my series of Flash games ^^
Thanks to for giving me the suggestion of calling my series "Perspective" ><
And thanks to for asking about hosting some of these games on his site ^^
It might take a while to finish loading the game if you don't have a fast connection... like DSL... so please be patient!
This game has a pretty easy level of difficulty. But there are a few things hidden throughout the game to look out for...
Cut Scenes:
-Sun Tan
-Close Up
-Kissing Game
-Eaten by Crab
-Eaten By Sea Gull
-Squished like a bug
-Missed Kiss
-Servant 4 Life
-Normal Ending (One Heart)
-Special Ending (Three Hearts + an added button ^^)
If you figure it out, go ahead and post a guide for others to see