Forest Shelter

Right in the middle of the forest, in one charming little clearing there, there is one place that all the animals living in the woods love so much: the Forest Shelter! It's here that they come whenever they feel pretty hungry, whenever they feel like taking a bubble bath, whenever they get sick or when they just feel like... doing their work-outs using the tiny sports equipments they can find here. If you're a true animal lover and a management games for girls addict, hurry up to respond to this fun challenge here!
There's no time to waist once you open your forest shelter, for the instant you hit the “Play”button, you already have a cute animal customer showing up! You'll see that this sure is one of the most fast-paced management games for girls that you've ever enjoyed! Rush in to attend to the tiny baby tiger, to the cute froggy or the little baby cheetah popping up. The wish bubble above its tiny head will let you know which is the adorable client's wish that you need to fulfill. Depending on the symbol showing up there see the little animal to the right chair, each one of the four chairs corresponding to one special need. Is the tiny bundle of joy hungry after all that running around the forest, after all that playing with his baby animal brothers and sisters? Then lead him to the leaf-made chair featuring the tasty piece of meat symbol, and then select the same symbol from the ones displayed on the wooden table there. A yummy, juicy hunk of meat will pop up on the table, simply grab it, using your mouse, and serve it to your hungry customer. Awesome! Could you deny that this is one of the most addicting management games for girls? On the other hand, the cute little customer could be pleading you to... give him a warm bubble bath, for he's got pretty muddy after all that climbing into trees and rolling over in the dust. He could also beg you to cure him, administering him the right medicine or simply applying tiny bandages on the poor little one's wounds and so on.
If you have a weakness for management games for girls you will certainly appreciate the chance of digging through the special selection that we've put together for you on our website!