From Sprout to Splendor

Made for Ludum Dare 34. The theme was "Two Button Controls, Growing".
Newgrounds Front Page on Dec. 15th 2015.
You are a plant trying to grow to the point of blooming. Growing will cost you sunlight which you can collect by clicking on falling rays, and water which is collected automatically over time through your roots. You must defend yourself from caterpillars, beetles, and flies. To defend yourself, you can purchase upgrades at the bottom of the screen.
Upgrading roots will more than double your water per second.
Upgrading leaves will collect sunlight over time in addition to sunlight gained by clicking on falling rays.
Hiring ants will defend you from ground bugs and upgrading them increases their damage.
Growing thorns will defend you from flying bugs and upgrading them will increase their damage.
Synthesizing poison will defend you from both flying bugs, and crawling bugs.
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