Get to the Finish

gttf_icon.PNG in Extras is the game's original link image from the site.
(fake comments)
jessica said "worth the wait"
uptown6 said "how do you beat level 3?"
(explanation from
The loading bar is the game. When it's full, the game is finished. About 50/50 response between those who thought their time was wasted (since there was no game afterwards), and those who appreciated that the loading bar was the game.
The Best of 10028 Comments:
"thats is the most boring thing ive played in my life pushing a button is better" - tietiff
"it loads long" -
"takes ages to load" -
"no! This is fake! Do nut playyyy!!!!!" - Titosurus
"is my computer messed up or some thing" - mystry womon