Girl On Bed Cuddling With Pet Dog

Our cute friend turned sweet 16 years old yesterday and her mom managed to surprise her with the little furry thing she has been dreaming of for years: a puppy! She quickly took the bundle of joy out of the birthday present box and then she started looking for the best name for her new buddy...she called him Happy! Within only a few hours Happy turned to be Lina's best friend, confident and the pet fashion adviser that with only a short bark approves or disapproves Lina's should see what funny fashion shows these two run in Lina's bedroom! Today they had a nice afternoon playing with Happy's favorite ladybug toy, in the evening he was spoiled with a warm bubble bath and it's cuddling time! They have their 15 minutes of tickles routine, which usually ends with a fun photo-session and because it's going to start soon, how about getting them all dressed up for it? In the 'Cuddling Time' dress up game you have a wide variety of comfy-chic pajamas that you can pair with candy-colored hair accessories and chains, so feel free to dig in and pick out your favorites to dress her up with! Style up her hair as well, choosing a girly-girl updo from the ones available at your disposal and to finish off her lovely looks, create her a brightly colored make up look! Find a matching night wear for her fluffy puppy, too and make sure you won't leave the game till the cuddling session ends! Have fun girls!