Gorlog 2002

UPDATE: PLEASE NOTE!!! THIS GAME IS DIFFICULT! It requires practice, and has a bit of a learning curve. It may take a little effort to pass Parsec 1, and a few tries. Keep at it! A handful of people have successfully beaten the game! I hope everyone will enjoy it, but honestly, it will appeal more to hardcore gamers because of it's difficulty level.
Wow! Thanks everyone! I really, really appreciate the feedback, and I am listening to your suggestions. I know you can't rapidfire, but that was coded intentionally. As far as button placement, you're all right. It's not so great. So, I will look into fixing that soon. I agree, it's very difficult indeed, but some people have beaten the game, so it can be done! Again, thanks for making a struggling Flash designer's day. You guys are awesome.
This is definetely my most ambitious project yet...four months in the making. Hope you all enjoy it. Its an action packed vertical shooter, maybe the first Flash game like it. Full of various enemies, bosses, powerups, secrets and codes, this will have you addicted for a while. Can you pass 3 waves of relentless enemy attack and survive the final confrontation with the evil Gorlog Mothership?
Graphics & Code: Jason Cirillo
Original Music: Ed Wilson
Support: Antonio Martins and Rika Takagi
Space: Fire
S: Shield (needs 20 coins)
B: Nuke
Arrow Keys: Control
Press Enter at the end of each Parsec to continue. Click on the box when it pops up if your controls don't respond.