Hair + Hover Bike Test


One of those Might Be A Game experiments... but it will probably just collect digital dust in some dark corner of my HD... *sigh*

I'm experimenting for the, the theme is fire, yeah I know it does not have anything to do with fire, but, well, I'll just say actionscripted hair....

I was kinda inspired by the = webcam lol... =D

Meh... just put something wild in your favourite audioPlayer, and enjoy the ride...

I hope you'll like this. Comments and critiques are always welcome. :)



This work is not in the public domain. This work is copyright © Djordje Ungar, = 2006. All rights reserved.

You may not use and/or reproduce my artwork in any way without my explicit and written permission.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: ArtBit
Language: en
Year: 2006