Halloween Reprisal

You are a wrathful reanimated skeleton on a quest to kill little kids. Go get them!
Author Comments:
TIP: hold down the key you want to attack with while walking up to a kid! simply pressing it while on top of or slightly near may result in...nothing.
This game has gone through a lot, so i hope you all enjoy it! We both decided to take out lots of features, but we hope it is just as fun. Also, it is our entry for the ArmorGames Halloween Contest. Due to some internet troubles on my part, it's slightly late (by an hour \:), but that's a little irrelevant to whatever. Yeah.
Rammer says: christ, this was a beast to program. just thought you ought to know. i also respond to all reviews, so be sure to write one! (: Blaze and i both put a LOT of effort into this; please keep that in mind if you are writing "omg this sux BMLA LOLOLOL!!", ok?