Halo Galaxies 2


Ok, so here it is. I revamped version of Halo Galaxies 2; with less bugs, less clunky controls and in general less confusion! The problem was I didn't fix the bugs straight away so my brain just got accustomed to them, and I didn't see the problems as bugs.

As I said, no two missions are the same which makes it all the more fun with no repetition. Play through the missions unlocking stars according to performance. The more stars you unlock, the more missions you can play. My favourite mission is definitely the last: Talk about going out with a bang!

My favourite mode. Start off at the very bottom with the weakest hornet you could imagine. Unlock achievements with your heap of junk and unlock brand spanking new parts. Collect money from your dead enemies and then splash the cash to upgrade your newly unlocked parts. With skulls to make it even more challenging; it's a survival game with twist.

Sorry for the double upload but their are significant changes which shouldn't go un-noticed. That said, thanks for playing again, and enjoy it eve more.

Series: Halo Galaxies
Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Adam Carmichael
Language: en
Year: 2010