Hannie sequence
Here's a little something I doodled up for https://new-born-magnezone.deviantart.com/. It was based largely on this
title="Pregnant Hannie lawnmower by ~new-born-Magnezone, Aug 3, 2011 in Anthro > Digital Media > Drawings" super_img="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/215/0/5/pregnant_hannie_lawnmower_by_new_born_magnezone-d430wfw.png" super_w="496" super_h="285">. Strange though it is, it was one of those deviations I keep coming back to (at the time). Still, while she's far from the greatest artist ever, any one who's willing to make up their own characters instead of just drawing fan-art should be encouraged. So because of that, and because I was in the mood, I present you with this gif. Enjoy.
EDIT: I think it was a bit much for me to expect all people to be of the same reading speed here. So, I made a simple flash file to compensate.Move your mouse to the edges of the screen to pick the next, or previous image.