
Play as Heat and try to rech his love ... But not everything is as it seems..
Author Comments:
*Please Read Before Playing*
--Edit 01-- I finally managed to fix the "stick to tiles" problem. now you wont get stuck when you jump onto a platform. I suppose this was a problem to everyone and I apologize for it. I also did some improvements in the gameplay so that the player can enjoy the game and get to the end with no problems. If there is other bugs please do tell so I try and fix.
--Edit 02-- Fixed problem in Cloud Level.
--Edit 03-- Fixed crash problem in the space level. and some other small bugs.
Heat is a simple and short platformer game. Where you play as the main character "Heat" who is trying to finally be together with the love of his life Katherine. But this story isn't that simple ... Find out the hidden secrets behind Heat and his past.
--Note-- This is the first game I ever make in my life, and is the first time I use flash programs, there might be glitches here and there and it might not be "the most perfect game ever" But I really did work hard on it, and for me I think it turned out good ... I hope you people enjoy it ^^;;
--Note 2-- The original music belongs to Key Visuals, I just edited some to make it fit the mood.
-Note 3- Please people try to at least finish the game, because I know the graphics aren't perfect, or the gameplay, or the sound effects. The main and most important part is the story. So I hope you can overcome some of the glitches and make it to the end.
--Note 4-- If you are having problems with jumping in tight places and you keep hitting the roof then falling. you shouldn't do a double jump. but instead fall and then jump in mid air.. that is the only problem I see in the cloud levels.
-Note 5- If you think the story is not explained too well or that it is missing some parts, then that is ok. My intention was that because I want the player to try and figure out what really happened ... for now at least . because I am already working on a prequel to the game that will explain everything. hopefully it will be much better, longer and more fun. But I hope you enjoy this one as well ^^