Heather Dress Up

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Silent Hill Heather Dress Up Game
Author Comments:
Pixel art style dress up game featuring Heather from Silent Hill.
Enjoy a full on range of Heather's outfits, including all of her tops, bottoms, weapons and accesories. It also includes custom skins and even her Revelation outfits!
This was all made on Photoshop, with pixel art style. This is a style I hadn't really worked with before, so it was a challenge. I spend almost a year working on this game.
I made everything, from the most basic designs, to the icons and even the programming part (and I am not even a programmer!).
Almost a year was invested in this game!
I hope you enjoy it!
Click on a gray icon to remove the item, click on a colored one to put it on.
Visual explanation: http://i2.minus.com/jcLCSFjhnYehn.png
ElisaFS on FB https://www.facebook.com/elisa.fs.art
ElisaFS on Tumblr http://elisafs.tumblr.com/
Buy merchandising from the game here! http://elisafs.tumblr.com/
Alternative link/donate http://elisafs.itch.io/silent-hill-heather-dress-up
To fully enjoy the artwork featured in this game, I recommend playing on a widescreen setting of at least 1500x800.
Disclaimer: Silent Hill is a trademark by Konami. This game is purely fanmade and is in no way associated with the company.