Helios Conference Round 4: Quad 12 ---- Part 1


Edited 1/7/2011: Fixed the jaggy images. Apparently you have to put "_quality = "BEST";" on the first frame to use the hidden quality. How weird.

This is for :iconheliosconference:'s Round 4: Battle Royale

...At the beginning, I decided to go with a flash entry because I though it saves time from drawing a lot of human characters. Yes I'm that bad at drawing humans...
But the more I think about it now, the more I regret of making a flash entry instead of a comic! D: Cause this one probably is more time-consuming! @_@ And here goes my month-long holiday...*sob*

...okay, enough ranting. Let's talk about the entry instead:

As you can see, part 1 is mainly based on those keyboard-smashing game that you often find in facebook. =P But at least it's much easier here!

And in case if you're wondering why Blissey and Pikachu run so slow... it's because they're too fat

1: here
2: [link]
3: [link]
4: [link]
(I'm dividing the entry to 4 parts so that people won't be spammed with 4 entries at the same time...)

Quad 12:
:bulletred: HC092: ~Eledora's Kiro- Aster’s Eevee(O), Jaydin’s Malice/Spiritomb(O), Jaydin’s Kaunis/Frosslass(O)
:bulletblue: HC107 *pinafta1's Diamond- Celia’s Blissey(X), Sahara’s Samuel/Gliscor(O), Celia’s Plusle(O)
:bulletgreen: HC120 *SpriteOcarina's Gin-yen- Jaydin’s Trépas/Gengar(O), Evelyn’s Watt/Pikachu(X), Aster’s Roserade(O)
:bulletpurple: HC104: *Arriscas's Bo Sun-yu - Celia’s Azumarill(O), Sahara’s Kale/Jolteon(O), Evelyn’s Moby/Wailord(O)

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Eledora
Language: en
Year: 2011