

WARNING: This game is graphic intensive, please play in popup mode to avoid bad lag and reduce the quality in the options if it feels sluggish! [hih-PAHL-ih-tuh] Hello people! SWiTCH and Evil-Dog invite you to embark on a brutal journey! A brutally hard journey of doom for freedom and redemption! haha nah seriously, enjoy our reflex/action game! Comments are always appreciated! Tell us what you think! Cheers! Controls: W,A,S,D and space (jump, block, dodge, sprint and javelin) TURN YOUR SOUND ON! You'll be severely gimped without it. If you're having trouble seeing what's going on, please try turning down the quality in the options. If you can't figure out how to overcome an obstacle, try a different approach (there's only so many keys to choose from after all). Collect Amazon Points to unlock more game modes and vanity armor. Earn your place on the high score lists for Hardcore, Survival, and Pursuit modes. Enjoy!

Publisher: Newgrounds
Language: en
Year: 2010