Homestuck: Anomaly


Well this is a test run…to see if I could do an interactive thingy for the story or not :lol: and to see how hard it would be to do all the animation too.

I created all of the frames in PS then I exported them to FLASH. There were 112 frames in all…only 48 of them were Cadiss…^^;

There’s plenty wrong with this, but as I said it was a test run. Seeing if I could mimic MSPA’s setup, testing to see if I could animate, testing to see if I could mimic drawing, and testing out the name.

-Setup, think I got that pretty well. Managed to figure out how to manipulate the Courier font.
-Animate, yup I got that, though it was labor some to create each frame separately…
-Mimic drawing, sorta…it’s like a hybrid of my style and my attempt at HS style…I also sketched/traditionally colored some in this style too and didn’t like it…but it looks ok CGed…almost like the game sequences sprites ^^;
-The name, well…that’s not my final call :lol: I’ve already pitched the idea to some of the other players, and if it does get used then the ending sequence will probably be reused quite a bit I’d think, which would be helpful. But that’s not my call; I just come up and toss out ideas at random Yeah I wrote this description beforehand, and now it is so canon :D

So yeah, nothing else to say really. Took me…oh…2 days maybe? Course I was fighting with WMM through some of it (this was the distraction away from it ^^; ) so it probably could’ve taken less time, but again it was 112 frames so meh :shrug: it was still fun to do!

Oh and if anyone was wondering, all the suggested names are old/alternate personas/names I’ve have/had in the past…and yes, I did draw that horrible image of Eifi…like 8 years ago ^^;

Homestuck © Andrew Hussie
Cadiss Tazim © me

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: KPenDragon
Language: en
Year: 2012