Horse Differences

One of the horse breeds is referred to by the name "G*psy Horse"
Horse Differences is an amazing game from the studio of Horse Differences - Play and learn! That`s our motto! In fact, our main goal is to have fun, so Horse Differences offering you a package of these three pleasures. Here you can read and discover interesting facts about your favorite horse breeds. Once you read the short description, just click anywhere on the game screen and let the fun begin. Your job is to find out at least three differences in each level and thus be able to proceed onto the next one. Use your mouse to click and find the six differences in each level. Don`t be afraid to click anywhere on the game screen and make mistakes because there are no penalties, just find the differences. The third difference in each level is your lucky one because it will bring you one extra hint, which you can use in whichever level you want. Go back and forwards through the levels and don`t give up till you find all 48 differences. Complete the game in the fastest time possible and accept the challenge once again, improving yourself in each new game.