Human Apocalypse

This game was submitted to the mini Ludum Dare #35! This means that it was created in under 48 hours!
Woo! Thanks for the front page Tom!!
And thanks Prodevus for telling me!
You are the zombie in this human apocalypse arcade game (Interesting twist, huh?)
The goal is to survive for as long as you can while humans try to capture you!
Disclaimer - you can not infect other zombies, sorry! I hadn't thought of that until you guys told me. I will work to create an altered game-mode version in the future :)
- There's achievements for you to get! GET THEM!
- Try and get your name at the top of the scoreboard (see below).
It's an infinite world with the following features:
- There are bricks that you can break by shooting at them. The humans can break through blocks also!
- There is TNT which you can blow up (But be careful if you're too close!).
- There is water which slows you down.
- There are health power-ups that restore 1/10 of your health.
- There is Notch's Minecraft head! It only has a .0075% chance to spawn. It's just for fun.
Now that I've actually had a good chance to play it, I've found that having a strategy is the best way to survive. My strategy is to go back and forth in an area right from the start, breaking all of the blocks and shooting anything that's in my way. Once the humans come and start breaking the blocks, I'll have more room to move around! Using your enemies to work for you! How cool!? Also, using that method, it's easier to find hearts.
- Score save properly again
- Reset highs scores because of weird numbers (Sorry!)
- Added pause
- Updated instructions
- Added energy boost