Humanstuck: A Homestuck Dating Simulation


Edit No. 2

No. I am not going to be doing anything more with this. I have moved on. If anyone else wants to put in the time and effort, I wish them luck, but I have no interest in this anymore.

Thank you.



This is only a beta test that was done for a class. I have not had time to make anything past Tavros. The only reason Sollux is on there was because I was going to do two characters for my project until I realized just how much work goes into something like this. It took a month of straight work, every day, for 6 - 7 hours at a time to make just what you see for Tavros. Unless I get some help with this, I highly doubt I'll be able to do anymore as I have graduated and work on other projects that pay me money.

Thank you everyone for your input and interest.

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Alright guys, I really need your help with this. I have to do usability testing, which basically means I need people to play the game and then tell me what needs to be fixed.

I don't mean things like how the pictures look or what not, I need to know if you can navigate through the game without any problems. Like, do you know where to click and the like?

Not that aesthetics aren't important, but usability deals with the mechanics of the program.

So if you could please give me feedback, I would greatly appreciate it!

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Hoshi-Sama20
Language: en
Year: 2012