Hunt of HORROR

How well do you know HORROR?
Author Comments:
::: UPDATE ::: Woot! Thanks for the front page NeoGeo!!!!
"HELLO BOYS AND GIRLS! Do you like HORROR? Because HORROR likes YOU! (In fact it watches you while you sleep.)"
Poxpower made this awesome PIXEL POSTER, and from the moment I saw it, I knew I was going to make this game.
Test your vast HORROR knowledge
If you are trying to unlock the "MIND CHAMBER" medal, be careful when switching in to full screen mode. For some reason when first entering in to full screen mode flash lags a little and the when you click the top button it may register as fails. To prevent this from happening USE the Esc key to exit full screen mode or wait until flash catches up before clicking the on screen buttons, I have also changed the medal requirement to from "get 0 fails" to "get under 13 fails" to give a little room for this error.
Also if you get stuck I added a link in the game to POXPOWERS online strategy guide, but if you want to have a little more fun, if you don't know what the HORROR looks like, try googling the name first and try to see if you can find it on your own.
Have fun and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!