

Huoheian is a survival-based, top-down arena shooter made in 48 hours for LD48. The theme this time around was "minimalism" so I was inspired by Japanese interior design (though huoheian is a Chinese concept!).

Monsters come at you from the 4 doors, you can shoot them. Every time one dies, they'll leave a spike on the floor. Choose your shots wisely and don't get cornered in a tough spot.

It was my first Ludum Dare working alone, and while exhausting it's been a blast! Note that due to time restraints the game isn't playtested as much as I'd like and the balancing might be rough.

Arrow keys to move
X to shoot in whichever direction you're facing

(small update: This is now to be considered the official post-compfaux version. Changes include

- Small enemies are faster
- spikes now block the player's shots
- Big enemies will occasionally shoot homing shots

--- and most importantly, thanks for all your feedback!)

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Folmer Kelly
Language: en
Year: 2013