I Hate This Game


Possibly the worst game ever made... You'll simply hate this game or despise it. Dare to s

Author Comments:

Possibly the worst game ever made... You'll simply hate this game or despise it. Dare to solve each room's challenges for you to escape.
Can you believe there are more? Play I Hate This Game More here --> http://www.newgrounds.com /portal/view/527411
JayisGames feature of I Hate This Game
http://jayisgames.com/arc hives/2010/02/link_dump_f riday_151.php
Thanks Tom for the front page! Thank you all for the reviews! This is my very first notable game since I have started learning and developing flash games last August of 2009.
I love NG! You all rock!
NOTE: If are going to copy and paste the game ending review: "This game is too easy to deserve the word 'Hardcore' and a..."
It's been done too many times already ^^

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: keybol
Language: en
Year: 2010