Ice Cream Machine


Adee the Chia has been eating too much ice cream. Ice cream for breakfast, ice cream for lunch and ice cream for dinner. In fact, she has eaten so much that she's starting to get some pretty strange dreams! In her latest one she is trapped within a giant Ice Cream Machine and must dodge the killer scoops that are trying to hit her... this time the ice cream is out for revenge!

To play Ice Cream Machine, move Adee with the mouse and try to avoid the scoops. Move left, right, up and down - but if you hit the ice cream, you lose a life. Pick up the special scoops (the ones with icons) for bonuses. The Strawberry Bomb will clear all the scoops from the screen, and the Scoop Shield will protect you for a limited amount of time. There are also other bonuses you can collect.

Developer: Neopets
Language: en