Infinite Chamber


-Navigate a randomly generated bridge back and forth and see how long you last.
-Increases in difficulty the further you get.
-Jump-blocks, illusion-blocks, moving blocks and special level conditions add to the infinite level possibilities.

A or ArrowKey-left = Move Left
D or ArrowKey-right = Move Right
SPACEBAR = Jump (hold it longer to jump further)


*UPDATE2 (Feb 14th, 2009):
-Thanks for front page!
-Second update for controls, seems lots of people are having trouble with them: I've added a toggle to switch between two different jumping methods and fixed some gravity/movement and other stuff. Hopefully you'll find the controls better now! (will appear soon, takes awhile for it to come online)
-Vote to get this into the action collection!

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Bulorito
Language: en
Year: 2009