Interacive Akatsuki Aquarium

EDIT: Dunno if some people noticed, but there's a button on the bottom left corner to edit your fish and background xD;;
Yay! I finally got to finish this one =,=
Believe it or nor, this game took double as much time as "Sasori's fall" game. =q= asdgdhffujh I swear my brain has melted
Anyway, hope you like it :3 try hovering your mouse over them and see what happens!
(BTW there is a minor glitch: If you got to "Add/remove fish", remove a fish and then close the window, next time you want to add a fish you'll have to click twice on the button)
Flash CS3, 5 generations
Naruto (c) Kishi
The music in this game belongs to Maverlyn on newgrounds :p and the preloader to dA