Interactive Fatass

It's like Interactive Buddy, only with a fat man!
Author Comments:
Edit: I've been reading some reviews and again i must point out: Please do NOT take this game seriously. I'm not expecting it to be great, it's just something i put together to get back at him.
Hello everyone! Here is the tale of how this game came to be:
I was sitting with a bunch of buddies of mine at a LAN party when one of them (the one featured in this game, i'll refer to him by his name, Matt) started to piss me off. Instead of beating him in real life, I decided to beat him in this game.
This game plays like Interactive Buddy. There are seven thing that can be done to Matt:
Grab - Grab Matt and move him or slam him against walls
Grenade - Drop a grenade (only one at a time) to blow him against walls
Tickle - Tickle Matt to raise his happiness
Handgun - Pump some lead into Matt's head
Baseball bat - Smack matt against walls
Pizza - Matt loves pizza (he is a fatass, afterall). Give him pizza to raise his happiness
Anti-Grav bouncy ball - Release this ball to send it bouncing around the screen.
Note: When you change the background to Hell, wait a minute and turn up the volume, you'll be in for a suprise
Note...again: This is all in good fun. Matt takes this as a joke and won't be don't feel bad for him.