Interactive N's Room (Pokemon Black and White)


How To Play
Make N's pokemon happy by finding the correct food in the room it likes. Click and drag the food onto the pokemon so it can eat it. Make a total of 3 pokemon happy, and you will see N become happy. There is a bonus screen that will give you a 4th pokemon! Can you find it?

Q: Help me! I can't even feed the first pokemon!
A: It is either because, you are stuffing his face with too much food at once. Or you just didn't find the first hidden food.

Q: What do I feed the bonus pokemon?
A: When you reach the bonus pokemon that means you beat the game. He's already happy so he's not hungry.
(doesn't it make more sense this way? otherwise N would be sad again..)

Art, music, and coding by me, based off Pokemon Black and White.
The music is being played by me on my keyboard to sound a bit different, but the song was originally composed by Shota Kageyama.

Tools Used
Art: Adobe Photoshop CS5
Music: Yamaha YPG-625
Coding: Adobe Flash CS5

Thank you for the DD! I want to show you *SqueakyToybox's flash games because they really inspired me to start making games too!

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Staticwind
Language: en
Year: 2012