Interactive Pregnant Gardevoir

Around about last year, approached me about commissions for animations. When I aksed him about a character he suggested a gardevoir. I did do some brainstorming, but never shared any of the results, and unfortunately put the idea on the backburner so badly I forgot about it. When he asked me about animation commissions again a year later, I brought all this up, and this time, completed it in about 3.5 weeks. As usual I wanted to make a fairly unique character as far as gardevoir goes, so she's based a little off of Coco Bandicoot (namely, the hairstyle) and several anthro Arbok's in his favourites. I think the journalist idea came from me trying to base her off ten randomy generated words. Also, I noticed a trend of heavier chests in his favourites, which would have been handy to notice before I'd drawn her. But oh well, I'm not complaining, and it's not like he asked for the change.
Ivy having a stutter though, was an accident of sorts. I noticed I'd used a stutter in a few lines of dialogue, and thought it would be cute. But I also thought it would get tiring to read. So I only have her do it under certain circumstances. Makes her pretty interesting I think. she had to learn to overcome her stutter so she could live her dream of being a reporter.
On the subject of art, obviously I've re-used the background of the fertility spring, though I did have to zoom it out a little. Those that view my games outside of browser windows know that they just end at a certain point. So I had to kind of guess there a bit. There's also a new sunlight sparkle effect on the water. Which does look pretty good, but hopefully it doesn't brick people's potato computers. There's also a new style of blush. The old blush works pretty well. But the problem with the radial gradient in flash is that it doesn't do shapes other than circular gradients very well. From now on, I think I'm going to stick to this new blush.
I probably could have been faster making this. As about usual I seemed to hit a roadblock when it came to the more tedious aspects. namely writing all the dialogue I need and assigning unique expressions to all of it. I have more than 100 expressions laid out, and I'm not sure all of them are used. Thankfully once the bae work is in place, they're not hard to make. Which brings me to my new improved debugging tool, that makes moving Ivy's pupil where I need it very easy. I also put my debugging values on it and added an extra test button. So now, all I need to do when I'm done is make it invisible.
As for the gameplay. As per usual I wanted to base it on the purple sparkles. For some reason I had shotgun blasts on the mind (not sure what that says about me). From there I was able to getfigure out the main mode of play. it was while making the panel and adding all the buttons that I had the revelation that maybe having a separate expand button isn't the best idea, hence the poll I made. Speaking of polls, it seems the unanimous opinion is that both clicking the birth button 1000 times, or having to find some cryptic secret is unwelcome. So, given it's the conclusion to the game, this time I decided to approach it as more of a boss fight. Hopefully this works a little better for most. As for difficulty, I made sure I could beat it while deliberately playing badly, and also can consistently beat it cleanly while trying my best. So if you are having trouble with it, don't give up!
Anyways, hope you all enjoy.
EDIT: made pokeballs easier to click on. Added achievement text. Also remembered to credit for writing the newspaper segment. I almost forgot about that.