Interactive Pregnant Lydia

EDIT1: Now with sound effects. choose one of 6 beat sounds and have the option to mute the game.
Way-waaaaay back, about when I first met I planned out a Bianca rabbit game that would have used a similar play style to this game. Howver, since it was's birthday recently (Well, it was at the time I wrote this, lol), and I like his character, I decided to finally re-use this scrapped idea here. It's fitting given her character is a DJ, rather than have to contrive too much. that said, when it was starting to look more complete it still felt very bare bones to me. like it lacked a certain X factor. So I started adding more to it and it in kicked the procrastination yet again. Oh well, at least it's finished in a good state now I think.
Initially I planned to simply have the good notes move at the same speed as the bad ones, but I quickly found they were easier to see if they ran at different speeds. I also initially wanted this game to be played solely with the keyboard. I did soon find that it was very cumbersome, and also has an unfortunate side effect. Flash will apparently send you back to the first frame if you push the comma key. Hence why the board is shortened a little; to prevent pressing that key by accident.
Worked a lot with the beat, and also gave the option to speed up/slow down the beat so you can match it to whatever music you're listening to while you play. This was initially a much more refinable function, but it came with the downside that it would eventually fall out of sync. So it now has a much harder BPM that should never fall out of sync, but also has fewer options.
For a while I wasn't sure what to do with the extra space on the options panel. I did consider making the panel smaller, having dialogue options or making the buttons bigger. In the end though, I went for a different approach, which I think you're going to like.
Once again, we're down to only a thousand birthclicks. Once you have the option to click, it will go down on it's own. You also have two different ways to skip clicking that many times. So it should be easier to get than ever.
Well, I think that's all I have to say about that one. Hopefully my next game is out a bit sooner. I've got some progress on it, but you know, procrastination, and also me learning AS3. There's also another two games, as well as another I'd like to try and do for christmas.