Interactive Russia!

This game was made for :iconnomable:
...If that's what you call these. :iconiseewhatyoudidthere:
Edit:... I forgot the SFX, so they're in now xD
16 FPS, about 6 hours all together to make.
For now, I'm pretty booked with these commissions (I have 2 more to do before the week's over!) and I may take a break for a little while. I didn't realize these would get so much attention!
:worship: I thank each and every one of the people who favorited these, and I wish I had time to get to all the comments, so please don't take it personally if I don't respond back! I read everything and appreciate it all! :heart: :lol:
I dunno if I should tag this with a warning for the "bloody" ending... <- LIKE ME on Facebook! :)