Invisible Maze
A very difficult maze game where you find yourself blind and looking for a way out.
Maybe not amazingly fun but this game is meant to be difficult and it's a unique play style to add to the millions of the same game over and over.
Not my first game but definitely the best so far i got the idea from a level i put on another maze game and was told it was a good idea so i thought this would be a good game to make to get back into the feel of things.Made in a couple days.
If you are going to comment on graphics or visualization may i please direct you to the title you just clicked upon.
Please message me or comment if you find a bug or easier way through
-Newgrounds API added
-Scoreboards and Medals added
-Level Fifteen Medal Fixed
-Right Clicking disabled
-Pressing Tab disabled
-Retry Button Added(There's also the level select)
-More Medal Points
-Out of The Game Means Death