Jack and Kill

Please note this is a game that never was completed( all my fault) , but its been wasting away in my project folder with no one to see it. Since the new NG Player is out, I figured why not just put it out there. There will be a lot of broken parts, bad spelling and just weird shit in this game.
The original idea was don for a game jam way back then which was made by Noodle, Jonbro, and myself.
And believe it or not I still have the original files so who knows maybe the game will get a update still XD
Jack and Jill Dev Notes 29 Sept 2013
fix: There should be no more funky map transitions or gltiches going from map to map, the map corners use to really fuck things up i think i have that problem solved. let me know if it is still broken somewhere.
More cheat codes in beta mode.
There are currently 24 characters for the game.
There are currently 25 items for the game.
There are currently 15 endings for the game.(This will increase for sure)
There are currently 28 explorable maps for the game.
Please remember to send feedback if you play this. About anything at all bad or good.
Jack and Kill Controls
Arrow Keys - Movement
Space - Action Key
Q & E - Cycle through the inventory.
W - Inspects currently held item ( this can be important, inspects currently equipped item, and may bring up a choice menu for certain actions.
R- Opens up the inventory screen where you can quickly select any item.
Also at the main menu there is a toggle box for beta mode which will pop up a cheat list for warping maps, plus a cheat to give you all ( most ) of the items in the game