jelly bunnies t-shirt: design #1


:star::star::star: PLEASE FULL VIEW TO SEE OTHER SHIRT COLORS!!! :star::star::star:

OK!! So at long last, and after some retooling (see below) here are the FINAL designs for the jellybunnies shirts!! :D :boogie: Here is design #1, which got the most votes and is also my favorite of the bunch. :heart: :)

This design will definitely be printed, while design #2 is iffy. You can check it out here: Unless I get at least 15 potential buyers (you don't HAVE to buy it, but rather, just state that you MUCH prefer #2 over #1), I won't be printing design #2 :( I apologize in advance to those that REALLY liked that one more, but due to my small budget, as well as the fact that upon printing it out, it didn't look as good in full size as #1, I'm gonna put it on second priority :hmm: (but if enough of you guys really really like it, I'll totally be willing to get it printed as well :D)

I came to the realization [and upon ~'s observation] that the hand didn't work well in a 1-color non-bordered picture, so I took it out, as it just looked out of place and not like a hand. ^^;

ALSO!! I'm going to be using puffy ink for this design, too :D I'm still experimenting with it, though, so for now, I am ONLY going to get the pink design with puffy WHITE ink. the brown ink will just be plain flat ink without white ink.

:gummybear::gummybear:the usual info:gummybear::gummybear:

:star: The t-shirt and tank top would be $18 (USD). :gummybear:

:star: if you are interested (as always, even if you can't afford it currently), please let me know:

- What design color you want (pink or dark brown)

- What shirt STYLE you want (t-shirt or tank top)

- What SHIRT COLOR you want

- What SIZE shirt you want

:star:SIZE CHARTS:star:



- top

(also, for international friends, there is a link for metric measurements at the bottom of those pages! :D)

:heart: other useful links :heart:

- the girly tank top only comes in 5 colors, you can see them here:

- you can see ALL the colors the t-shirts come in here. girly t-shirt: guys/unisex t-shirt:

OK!! I think that's it :faint: sorry as always for the freakin' NOVEL of a description ^^; hopefully I remembered to include everything, I'm always forgetting something with these damn shirt posts :P (hence why I'm gonna be stopping them after this [see my newest journal entry for more info on that])


Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: ilovegravy
Language: en
Year: 2005